Wild Heart Ranch is located in Claremore, Oklahoma. We provide medical or infant support to any indigenous wild animal in need of assistance and release it into suitable wild habitat once care is completed.
Our Phone Number: (918) 342-9453
After Hours: (918) 230-2134
If you can't reach us immediately, leave a message. We have a lot of animals to attend too, but check messages constantly. If you have a wildlife emergency, feel free to continue to call. Though we wish we could assist with domestic animals, we do not have the facilities or the funds to do so. Stray dogs and cats are not considered wildlife, and puppies and kittens constantly bring disease into the clinic which the wildlife have no defense against. We care very much about all animals, but must protect our purpose to maintain a healthy environment for the wild ones. Please contact an appropriate shelter or rescue.
We ask that non emergencies be handled by email to cut down on the constant interruptions by the phone in the clinic.info@wildheartranch.com
All indigenous wildlife can be brought to us for care once you have contacted us by phone. We take all species of wildlife for Rogers, Delaware and Mayes Counties. There are species outside our area who do not have a place to go. Those species are often deer, bobcat, coyote, fox, beaver, cougar, bear, birds of prey and skunks. We will assist these animals outside our area if we have the funds and space, and they have transportation here. Rarely do we have the time to pick up animals, but we will try to find a way if callers are unable or unwilling to transport. We are happy to do the work and find the funds to care for them, but we need help with transportation. If you cannot bring us the animal, we will seek a ride through our facebook page. Thank you!
If you have found an infant mammal, bird or fawn, find a way to keep the baby calm and warm. Handling a wild animal creates stress. Use a small box, container or pet carrier with appropriate bedding, on a heat pad on low or under indirect light (baby is covered). Please do not let small children or pets have contact with the baby. It can spread germs and parasites both ways. Do not give milk, formula or water to an infant unless you know what you are doing. Giving improper milk or feeding anything to an animal who is not in stable physical condition to digest it (cold, stressed, dehydrated) can be fatal. Help us do our job properly by not creating a worse situation for the animal.
Injured adult wildlife can be contained easily with instruction and brought to us for care. You must speak to us, law enforcement or someone of authority to give permission for the animal to be caught, especially if it is a bird of prey. We don't want anyone getting into trouble trying to help, so please seek authorization before capturing an animal that might create a legal problem for you.
Nuisance wildlife are wild animals who have encroached into human habit and are unwelcome. We DO NOT handle nuisance wildlife situations. If you have this issue and do not want the animal harmed in the process of resolving your situation, there is only one business that we trust to help you. Contact "The Skunk Whisperer Wildlife Control Services" at (918) 261-4444 or www.TotalWildlifeControl.com.
If you have raised a wild animal and have imprinted it to the point that it is ready to release but are concerned because it is too friendly or freely interacts with domestic animals, we may not be able to help you. Our policy is to only take wildlife that can be integrated into our wild groups and released completely reclusive. An imprinted animal will lead our animals into trouble upon release. In order for us to do our job properly and raise wildlife to survive with every advantage possible, you must contact us when the animal is found. It is illegal to do otherwise in Oklahoma, and can be dangerous not only to our animals, but to our staff. All wild animals can be dangerous, but there is no wild animal more dangerous than one who is unafraid of people.
Last but not least, wildlife rehabilitation is one of the most expensive and least supported forms of animal rescue. Every year, tens of thousands of dollars of our funding is spent caring for animals that were injured or orphaned by a family dog or cat. These animals rarely come with donations and we ask that pet owners who's animals hunt, consider providing funds for the would be prey. For example, a fawn can cost in excess of $1,000 to raise, a baby raccoon around $300 and much less for a bird or rabbit. If every animal that was brought to us came with a donation, we would worry less about funding and focus on the animals we care for. Our goal is to continue to accept every wild animal in need. Help us to avoid ever turning anything away. Thank you for your support!
Annette King , Animal Rescuer
Wild Heart Ranch Wildlife Rescue
Claremore, Oklahoma