Wild Heart Ranch is located in Claremore, Oklahoma. We provide medical or infant support to any indigenous wild animal in need of assistance and release it into suitable wild habitat once care is completed.

Here I Stand

Here I stand another day
An infection eating my withers away
Passers by don't seem to see
The sad and miserable state of me

I hang my head and stand in sorrow
Day after day and more tomorrow
Will anyone notice when I die?
Or will the ones who miss me be the flies?

Here I stand another day
My wound is clean and I have fresh hay
My doctor says I'm healing fine
That all I need is care and time

I wonder what they think of me
A skinny old horse is what some see
But there are more who see beyond my pain
My wound will heal, my weight will gain

I will stand another day
In a field of green, grazing away
Knowing all I need will never lack
And only the sun will be on my back

I will stand.

For Trooper

Trooper on the first day, April 8th, 2009

This is Trooper on July 8th, 2009, exactly 3 months from the above photo.

Written from a wild heart by:
Annette King, Animal Rescuer
Wild Heart Ranch Wildlife Rescue
Claremore, Oklahoma